It's worth pointing out the episode opens with Peter writing a comic strip that has offended many people, and the Griffins have to leave Quahog as a result. Tell the Receiver His / Her Name in a PrankClassy Prank NameSchool Board Prank NamesBest Prank NamesFunny Prank NamePrank Name with a PunClean Prank NamesPhone Prank NamesFunny Prank Names ListPran. Simpsons Classics Maya Normousbutt, My Enormous Butt Maya Buttreeks, My Butt Reeks Oliver Clothesoff, All Of Our Clothes Off Ollie Tabooger.

As Simpsons fans would know, Bart has a penchant for prank calls, often to Moe’s Tavern, trapping his helpless victims in a game of double-entendres. The AP also reports that Katherine Hull Fliflet, a spokeswoman for Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAIN), did not find the joke offensive, but that she thought the show "is making it clear that rape is not funny by how they are positioning the joke." She continued, "It's my hope that would be the viewers' take-away."Ī Fox spokesperson told the AP that the network would not comment on Winter's criticism or whether or not there were second thoughts about including the joke. August 15, 2022Apby The Cool Names Table of Contents1. 1 Season 1 1.1 Homer's Odyssey 1.2 Moaning Lisa 1.3 Some Enchanted Evening 2 Season 2 2.1 'One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish' 2.2 'Principal Charming' 7F15 2.3 'Blood Feud' 7F22 3 Season 3 3.1 'Treehouse of Horror II' 8F02 3.2 'Flaming Moe's' 8F08 3.3 'Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk' 8F09 4 Season 4 4. Bart Simpson is on the loose in Virginia, pulling off random pranks on unsuspecting school board members. According to the Associated Press, Tim Winter, president of the Parents Television Council and a self-proclaimed fan of The Simpsons, wrote to Fox, Simpsons creator Matt Groening, and Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane in August asking that the joke be edited out of the episode. List of The Simpsons crank calls Contents 1 Season 1 1.1 Homers Odyssey 1.2 Moaning Lisa 1.3 Some Enchanted Evening 2 Season 2 2.